A tempting challenge - to invite Greece into my kitchen - and one which isn't too difficult for me. Greek and Turkish cuisine have many similarities, so many of the dishes on the blog En-direct-dathenes resemble the food I ate while I was growing up in Istanbul and have been cooking ever since.
Pour participer au jeu de MaryAthenes j'invite la Grèce dans ma cuisine avec ces keftedes au cumin et ouzo:
As my entry in the game suggested by MaryAthenes I've made keftedes with cumin and ouzo:
(pour 30 de keftedes / to make 30 keftedes)
600 g de viande hachée / minced meat**
1/2 pain blanc rassis / stale white bread
1 gros oignon haché / minced onion
2 oeufs / eggs
1 càc de cumin / coffee spoon cumin
1 1/2 càc d'origan / coffee spoon origano
1 verre à liqueur d'ouzo / liqueur glass of ouzo*
sel, poivre / salt, pepper
farine / flour
huile à friture
Faire tremper le pain rassis dans de l'eau. Essorer. Mettre en miettes.
Soak the bread in water. Drain. Make into crumbs in a mixer.
Melanger le pain et la viande hachée à la main. / Mix the bread and the meat by hand.
Ajouter l'oignon, les oeufs, le cumin, l'origan, l'ouzo, le sel et le poivre et bien malaxer. / Add the onion, eggs, cumin, oregano, ouzo, salt and pepper and mix well.
Laisser reposer 1 heure au frigo. / Leave in the fridge for 1 hour.
Former des petites boules, les rouler dans la farine et les faire frire. / Form the mixture into small rissoles, roll them in the flour and fry them.
Vous pouvez les manger chaudes arrosées de just de citron ou froides. / Serve hot with a squeeze of lemon or cold.
| *Parce que je ne suis pas en Grèce, au lieu de l'ouzo. j'ai ajouté du pastis. * Because I'm not in Greece, instead of ouzo I added pastis (the Midi equivalent of this aniseed spirit). |
** You can use beef, veal or lamb (lamb would be most likely in Turkey) for this or pork, which is what I used because it is easily available here.
And from our lunch today, a couple more meze ideas ...
quelques autres idées pour un repas de mezes ...
Crushed haricot beans with sweet onion, black olives and toasted sesame bread. Cauliflower fritters. Recipes for these will be on the mediterranean cuisine blog.