One of the great pleasures of our recent visit to Wales was helping our daughter, La Jardiniera, to start her first garden in her new home. She's been gardening for a while with friends and in our garden here but now she has her own small plot. It's so good to see a new generation of gardeners who want to grow their own food.
Un des plus grand plaisirs de notre séjour au Pays de Galles est d'aider notre fille à commencer son jardin chez elle. C'est bon voir une nouvelle génération qui veulent cultiver la nourriture.
a lot of grass / beaucoup d'herbe ... | and the bluebells were out / et les jacinthe des bois fleurissent. |
a bay tree! / un laurier sauce! |
A good start to the new garden.
Lo Jardinièr helped clear a bed for herbs and later there will be space for vegetables near the bay tree. / Lo Jardinièr a nettoyé une parterre pour les herbes et plutard il y aura une parterre pour les légumes près du laurier.
We shopped for food in Cardiff market, a lovely building filled with wonderful stalls / On a fait des courses au marché de Cardiff, un très joli batiment plein de stands.
Bread ... and a vegetable stall with a very suitable name ...
Umbrellas ... well, this is Wales! / Les parapluies galloises. | More umbrellas .... |
Fresh and Simple is a such a fabulous name for a veg stall. Love that fresh and simple font, too.
I can so picture sweet peas along that fence line. A new garden is a fabulous adventure.
It is great to see the children and grand children to follow very worthwhile steps.
Am trying to catch up with reading, so have just found this post! It's nice to see your children getting into gardening, although mine haven't yet... but they haven't got places of their own so there's still hope!
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