Saturday, 4 July 2009

First aubergine and a new watering system / La première aubergine et un nouveau système d'arrosage

In spite of the locusts and the Colorado beetles, our aubergine plants are doing well, with a lot of small aubergines growing.  Today we ate the first one, grilled on the barbecue and garnished with thyme, oregano, olive oil and chopped garlic - it tasted wonderful.

Malgré les criquets et les scarabées, nos plants d'aubergine poussent bien avec beaucoup de petites aubergines.  Aujourd'hui nous en avons mangé la première de la saison, garnie de thym, oreganum, huile d'olive et ail haché - elle était delicieuse!


1st aubergine and 74th courgette!

Another new watering system / un autre nouveau système d'arrosage

Throughout the summer we're constantly thinking about better ways to water the garden.  The terracotta pot system which Kate from Hills and Plains seedsavers devised has worked really well for beans and garlic and we'll use it for other crops - leaf vegetables like chard next, probably.

Pendant l'été nous pensons toujours des façons d'arroser le jardin.  Le système de pots en terrecuite conçu par Kate de Hills and Plains seedsavers a marché bien pour les haricots et l'ail et nous l'utiliserons pour des autres légumes - les blettes peut-être.

Now we are trying a new system for watering the tomato and pepper plants.  We bought two plastic dustbins which can be filled with water from the stream whenever it is running.  Lo Jardinièr has fixed siphon tubes from the bins which lead via taps to slow drip hoses in the rows of tomatoes and peppers.  The taps can be turned on in the evening and left so that the water in the bins slowly drips into the soil between the plants.

Maintenant nous essayons un nouveau système pour l'arrosage des tomates et des poivrons.  On a acheté deux poubelles en plastique qui on peut remplir de l'eau du ruisseau.  Lo Jardinièr a mis un tuyau pour siphonner l'eau en passant par un robinet et puis par un tuyau goutte à goutte à la terre entre les rangs.

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The leek flower is covered with insects.
The sunflowers are blooming.
And here is a cicada in the apricot tree.

And we've had so many Swallowtail butterflies in the garden this year that I couldn't resist a few more photos of them:

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Unknown said...

I am so pleased the terracotta pots system works for you. The bin system looks good too. I have lots of ideas for watering.... we need them here. Your new blog layout is so clear and nice and you have so much produce in your garden. I hope you are still enjoying lunches under the vines in that gorgeous setting.

Woodland Fay said...

I've seen flocks (not sure what the collective noun for butterflies is) of swallowtails once only in the Luberon, amazing. These are extremely good photographs. The lavender is the perfect colour with their off white and charcoal markings. Lovely

Seren Dippity said...

Here's and interesting blog article on the clay pot watering system using the traditionally made ollas that are buried in the garden.
I like your home-made version!

Your garden and your photography is beautiful, thanks for sharing!

Jan said...

Locusts, yuk! I've killed two, and because they're so big I felt like a murderer. Luckily I haven't seen loads on the veg. The watering system looks good and should make watering that bit easier.

Rowena said...

No locusts (crosses fingers) that I can speak of, but I did notice one shiny, metallic green, BIG beetle in one of the squash flowers today. Encouraging to hear about your first aubergine...I had all but given up hope on my few plants until this morning when I spotted a thumbsized fruit on one of the plants!

Weeping Sore said...

I love your practical drip watering system! We're hearing more and more about harvesting rain water here as more and more local water districts begin "rationing" water. Trouble is I don't have enough rain to harvest - no rain gutters or downspouts. Even so, your method could be used with faucet water too. I might try it - but I'd have to treat the water somehow to prevent mosquitoes from breeding there.