Sunday, 21 December 2008

Sunday lunch in the garden on the shortest day of the year / Déjeuner au jardin au solstice d'hiver

Today is the winter solstice with the sun at its lowest. And it was the warmest day we've had for weeks! At midday in the sun it was about 15 degrees C. A good day for lunch in the garden. A celebration!

Aujourd'hui c'est le solstice d'hiver avec le soleil le plus bas de l'année - et le meilleur temps du mois! A midi au soleil il a fait 15 degrées. Du bon temps pour déjeuner au jardin. Une fête!

bamboo blue sky_1_1
bamboo against a cloudless sky .....
tomato canes_1_1
and beneath, next year's tomato canes growing

But first we gave the lemon tree some light and some water.

Mais d'abord on a donné de la lumière et de l'eau au citronnier.

sun for lemon tree_1_1

And then the barbeque / et puis la grillade


merguez (North African spicy lamb sausages) with onion skewers

we bought the merguez from the excellent butcher's shop in nearby Roujan, run by Bernadette and Franck Perez, and while we were there we ordered some pigeons for lunch on Thursday.

green salad_1_1

green salad from the garden: lettuce, spinach, rocket and oregano

sunday lunch_1_1

lunch in the sun and wine from nearby Domaine de Montesquieu

cheese course_1_1
Gavach cheese from Lacaune with green tomato jam ....
and coffee, of course

Gavach is the Occitan word for 'mountain-dweller', which is why it's the name given to this cheese which is made in the mountains around Lacaune.

Gavach est le mot occitan pour quelqu'un qui habite les montagnes, donc c'est le nom pour ce fromage fait dans les montagnes autour de Lacaune.

It's good to know that from now on the days will get longer and the sun higher. The plants already sense it - the climbing rose has tiny new buds on it and the daffodils are coming up too.

C'est bon que les jours deviendront plus longs et le soleil montera plus haut pendant les semaines qui viennent. Les plantes déjà le devinent - la rose grimpante a des nouveaux petits bourgeons et les narcisses montent aussi.

daffodils ready for spring_1_1


Michelle said...

I can't think of a better way to celebrate the solstice! Delicious looking meal and it looks like you enjoyed a hearty (local?) red wine with it. Enjoy some sun for me, it's been hiding a lot around here lately.

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

Such lovely, healthy food, I am getting hungry! This is not lunch this is a feast.( We don't get such specialities here!)

Colin and Carol said...

Who will tell the Pigeons!