Wednesday 22 April 2009

Roses and an artichoke / Les roses et un artichaut

Our Rose Banksieae has really become well established after four years and it has covered our sun shelter with beautiful, delicate yellow flowers.  / La Rose Banksieae s'est bien enracinée après quatre ans et elle a couvert l'abri des belles fleurs delicates et jaune.

rose banksieae_1_1_1

We've picked the first mangetout peas / on a ramassé les premiers petit pois mangetout.


iris1_1_1_1 iris2_1_1 iris3_1_1

The irises are out and you can see why they're called 'flags' when they're blown about by the wind like this.  /  Les iris fleurissent et on peut voir pourquoi on les appele 'drapeaux' en anglais quand ils volent au vent comme ça.

The first artichoke / le premier artichaut

first artichoke to eat_1_1_1 fried artichoke_1

We cut the first artichoke of the year and ate it thinly sliced and fried in olive oil - it was wonderful!  /  On a coupé le premier artichaut et on l'a mangé coupé en tranches fines et puis sauté à l'huile d'olive - il est superbe!

It's really difficult to leave the garden at this time of the year, but I'll be away for the next few days.  There should be some more artichokes to come back to, though, the three little ones growing around the one we ate today and more on the other plants.

more small artichokes_1_1


Michelle said...

The rose is in its full glory right now! Beautiful.

No peas here yet. A recent heatwave literally turned the tops of the plants crispy, just as I think they were about to start blooming. Ah well, the cool weather is back now and the plants have plenty of side shoots coming.

ilex said...

Someday I would like to live in a climate where artichokes grow. They are my favorite food.

Kristen said...

Those mangetout peas look so good! There is nothing better than taking a walk in your garden and snacking on fresh peas you just picked yourself.