Sunday 24 May 2009

Summer's here! / L'été est arrivé

Olive flowers / les fleurs d'olivier

At last, after a long cold spring, summer has arrived, with the temperature in the high 20s centigrade, and of course the need to water every day. / Enfin, après un printemps long et froid, l'été est arrivé, la temperature monte et on a besoin d'arroser chaque jour.

rose - pink 2_1_1 rose - pink_1_1
rose - red_1_1 lizard on gate_1_1

The roses are out and so are the lizards / Les roses sortent et aussi les lézards.

borlottis climbing_1_1 cucumber flower_1_1
The borlotti beans are climbing and the cucumber plants are flowering / Les haricots grimpent et les concombres fleurissent.
last artichokes 1_1_1 potato crop_1_1_1

We've picked the last artichokes (a sad moment for me) and the new potatoes are ready to eat. / Nous avons ramassé les derniers artichauts et les pommes de terre précoce sont prêtes à manger.

tomatoes_1_1_1 beans for seed_1_1
The tomato plants are doing well and the November sowing of broad beans are nearly over - we're saving these for seed as the variety, Seville, has given us a wonderful crop.
first courgette_1_1 first pepper_1_1

Our first courgette and first pepper have appeared. / La première courgette et le premier poivron ont apparu.


Rowena said...

High 20's indeed! Right now it's 29° which is too hot for the locals to be working out but still alright for me. It's a plus to have grown up in a tropical environment since only when the humidity peaks is when my brains begin to cook in the heat. Either that or I'm a sucker for punishment! Love seeing the photos of your courgette and pepper. Still waiting on mine!

ilex said...

Those artichokes made my mouth water. So sorry they are your last for the season. End of season is so bittersweet. I don't particularly miss the end of courgette season, though.

Jan said...

Your veggies are all further on than ours, but then everything here is about a month behind down in the valley, so no surprise there!

Those roses look gorgeous.

HappyMouffetard said...

Mouth-watering, as always. I love the lizard.

easygardener said...

There was a nursery from Essex showing at Chelsea who are attempting to establish a grove of olive trees - presumably for trees only, I can't imagine they would have much luck with cropping olives.Mind you they might be looking at the long term - what with global warming etc!
Everything in your garden is looking lovely - I'm looking forward to my first tomato, but it will be a while yet.

Wayne Stratz said...

lovely garden. I lack your Mediterranean climate, but I am just about to take a lunch break from gardening to check out a new Mediterranean restaurant.