It’s two years this weekend since I started this blog. As I said last year, on the first anniversary, we’ve learnt a lot from becoming part of the community of gardening bloggers and have made many friends and even met some of them – Ian at Kitchen Garden in France and Kate at Hills and Plains Seedsavers and Vegetable Vagabond in Australia, who have both visited us here and who invited us to join their Kitchen Garden International weekend last September in south-western France. We’ve exchanged seeds with Ian and Kate and also with Laura at Mas du Diable, quite near us in the Cévennes, and with Michelle at From Seed to Table in California, where the climate is also Mediterranean. The blogs I read and from which I get enjoyment and inspiration are listed in the side bar, and there too many to mention here, but two which I read most often because they are by fellow Mediterranean gardeners, in a similar climate to ours, are Jan’s in Catalunya and Heiko’s in Italy. So, as well as our gardening neighbours here in Gabian who are a wonderful source of useful advice, we are benefiting from the knowledge and experience of gardeners and cooks all over the world. Thank you all!
Mid-February in the garden
It’s a quiet time in the garden, a time for planning the next year, but not for harvesting very much. Apart from herbs – thyme, rosemary, mint and bay especially – which we use daily, we’re picking only leeks and cabbages at the moment, with the chard and lettuces just recovering from the cold weather we’ve had.
It seems to be a late spring – there is no sign yet of almond or apricot blossom and their buds are only just beginning to swell.
Spring will come, though, and today we’ve sowed our tomato seeds and put them on the seed starter box which Lo Jardinièr made last year. We put the new mini-greenhouse on the balcony in the sun today to try it out and, although it was a cold day – about 6 degrees C – the temperature inside reached 22 degrees! So it will be good for the tomato and pepper plants once they germinate and before we take them to the garden to put in the more rustic-looking cold frames we have there.
Congratulations on 2 years of blogging. I have not garden and little experience of growing outdoor plants but I enjoy your blog. I enjoy reading about what you are doing with the plants and I love your recipes. Keep 'em coming!
Happy anniversary. Here's to many more!
Well done! Our almond was threatening to break open any day. I will start sowing this week too having got the new moon behind us now.
Last week we noticed that the almonds down in the valley are beginning to blossom but it will be a couple of weeks before we see that up here. We've had such a cold wind that the compost in my cold frame froze!
Congratulations and wonderful about the new seeds!
spring is on the way. One thing to be sure of.
Congratulations, Chaiselongue and Lo Jardinièr! It's clear you are loving the gardening world you are making for yourselves, and the delicious fruit of your labors. Here's to our future enjoyment in reading about both!
That soup looks fabulous... yum!
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