Thursday 7 April 2011

More spring flowers and a tiny apricot

Apple blossom – there’s much more than last year.
Cherry blossom – our first year.
A rather raggedy iris.
The bay trees are covered in flowers.
The broom is flowering here in the garden and all over the hills in the garrigue.
There aren’t many apricots on our tree, but it’s going to be a better year than last year.

And the last of the red cabbages


There were three small red cabbages left and threatening to go to seed, so we picked them all this morning, sliced them and cooked them with two sliced onions sautéed in olive oil, a tablespoonful of whole cumin seeds, two tablespoons of brown sugar, a cup of red wine vinegar and a cup of water, plus some salt and pepper, left it all to simmer for about 45 minutes until the cabbage was cooked. It can now be frozen in meal-sized bagfuls.


Jan said...

We have fewer apricots than last year, but you lost a lot of yours if I remember correctly. I hope we both keep all that we've got!

jan.willetts said...

Just found your blog, very jealous of your location! Back here in Blighty i have a bay an olive and a fig-all in pots. The bay looks dead, so have cut it back, fed and repotted it, with no luck so far. The fig was looking very brown until last week, when it began to green up. The olive tree looks like a collection of dry twigs- wondered if I should prune it back and feed it too?

chaiselongue said...

@ jan.willetts: fig trees are usually bare in winter, so it sounds as though yours is OK if it's getting leaves now. Olive trees are evergreen, so your dry twigs don't sound so good. I should wait and see what happens when the weather gets warmer, but there'd be no harm in pruning and feeding it.