We're going north for a few days but while we're away I'll leave you with a collage of the flowers in the garden for Garden Bloggers' bloom day.
Nous partons au nord pour quelques jours, donc je vous laisse un collage des fleurs de notre jardin pour Garden Bloggers' bloom day.
geranium, salvia, lemon
passion flower, dahlia, dahlia
rosemary, morning glory, ceonothus
Garden Bloggers' bloom day is hosted by Carol at maydreamsgardens
And the olives ... / et les olives
I'm leaving the olive crop to soak in brine until we get back.
Je laisse les olives tremper à la saumure jusqu'à notre retour.
Building worries / les soucis et le lotissement
Today for the first time we heard the noise of machinery starting to clear land near the gardens to build houses. We've tried to pretend this might not happen ... now we just hope it won't affect too badly the peace of the hillside and the ancient walls, which we've been promised will not be touched.
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the path to the garden | le chemin des moulins |
Aujourd'hui pour la première fois nous avons entendu le bruit des machines qui commence les travaux pour le lotissement près des jardins. Nous avons essayé de faire comme s'il n'arrivera pas ... maintenant nous n'esperons qu'il n'aura pas des conséquences pour la paix de la colline et les murs anciens. On nous a promis de ne les toucher pas.
PS Jewelled rice: I've been asked to post the recipe for the jewelled rice I mentioned the other day - no time before I go away, but I will when I come back.
PPS The recipe for jewelled rice is now on the food blog - click here
All very interesting... blooms, olives. I'm trying to figure out what your equivalent USDA hardiness zone is? Much warmer than where I am.
Thanks for joining in for bloom day!
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
Hi Carol: according to gardenweb.com we're in zone 9, but I'm not familiar with these zones as we don't use them in Europe usually. It's a mediterranean climate, which means hot dry summers and short mild winters with occasional cold snaps.
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