Wednesday 11 March 2009

Spraying Bordeaux mixture / La bouillie bordelaise

Bordeaux mixture (copper sulphate) is a treatment against fungus and other diseases which is permitted in organic agriculture and horticulture. It is used on the vines here in the Languedoc and in other vine-growing areas and perhaps because it's so commonly used in the vineyards gardeners in Gabian use it on a wide range of plants: fruit trees, olive trees, roses, potatoes.

La bouillie bordelaise est un traitement contre les maladies qui est permis dans l'agriculture biologique. Les viticulteurs du Languedoc et les autres régions vigneronnes la mettent sur les vignes et ici à Gabian les jardiniers la utilisent pour les arbres fruitiers, les oliviers, les pommes de terre, les rosiers etc.

It must be used at least 14 days before harvesting and for fruit trees the best time is in spring before the fruits form. I've been waiting for a calm day to spray our trees and although today wasn't completely still there was less wind than there has been for the last couple of weeks.

Il faut traiter les plantes et les arbres au moins 14 jours avant la récolte et pour les arbres fruitiers le meilleur temps est le printemps. J'attendais une journée calme pour vaporiser la bouillie bordelaise sur nos arbres. Aujoud'hui il y avait moins de vent qu'on a eu les dernières deux semaines.

bordelaise 1_1_1 bordelaise 2_1_1

The powder and the liquid once it's mixed with water are a lovely deep blue colour which makes the leaves and flowers look pretty ....

olive leaves_1_1
olive leaves / les feuilles d'olivier
polka dot blossom 3_1_1
and polka-dot apricot blossom / et les fleurs d'abricotier à pois.

Chorizo and chickpeas / Chorizo et pois chiches

chorizo_1_1 chirozo and chickpeas_1_1

After a hard morning's work in the garden we were ready for lunch and I made a quick stew of tinned chickpeas and some little chorizo sausages which we'd bought in the market earlier, with garlic, thyme, tomato passata, a glass of red wine and a green sweet onion.

Après le travail du matin au jardin on était prêt pour le déjeuner. J'ai préparé un ragout express des pois chiches et des petits chorizos qu'on a acheté sur le marché ce matin, avec de l'ail, du thym, de la purée de tomates, un verre de vin rouge et un oignon doux.

Tomato and pepper sowings update / mise à jour des semences de tomates et de poivrons

tomato seedlings 11-3_1_1_1

The tomato seedlings enjoying the sun on the balcony - when they have two true leaves we'll transplant them into individual pots. / Les petits plants de tomate au soleil au balcon - quand ils auront deux vraies feuilles nous les repiquerons en petits pots individuels.

pepper seedlings_1_1

The pepper seeds germinated very quickly on our heated seed-starter box. The Corno di toro, Nardello, Kolaska, Lipstick and Italian Red Marconi germinated in about 7-8 days. The Kandil dolma and the Spanish long pepper (seeds given to us by our neighbour) have been slower but are showing signs of germinating now. / Les semences de poivron ont germé très vite sur le boîte chauffée: 7-8 jours pour: Corno di toro, Nardello, Kolaska, Lipstick et Italian Red Marconi. Les semence de Kandil dolma et long d'Espagne (ce dernier de notre voisin) commencent a germer maintenant.

rosemary   daffodils_1_1


Michelle said...

The spotted apricot blossoms are weirdly beautiful! Lunch looks yummy. And your seedlings are coming along very nicely.

LadyLuz said...

Lovely to come visit you again and see how busy you are. Hope I can get some Bordeaux mixture here for when our little vine gets going.

chaiselongue said...

Michelle: yes, the blossoms do look a bit weird with the blue spots. They're all back to normal today, the blue having dried off, and the flowers covered with bees, which is a good sign!

LadyLuz: it's good to have you visit again. I'm sure you'll be able to get Bordeaux mixture in Spain - it's probably used on the vines there too. Here you can buy small - garden - quantities in garden centres.

Jan said...

Lovely lunch, chorizo and chick peas go so well with each other.