Sunday 16 May 2010

Artichokes at last!

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I thought we weren’t going to get any at all this year, the plants were so badly affected by the cold weather in late winter/early spring, but today I picked these two small ones.  As you can see in the photo (bottom right) they have no choke, so I just cut them in half and cooked them in olive oil and white wine, with some whole sweet onions.

Four photos of two tiny artichokes may seem a bit excessive, but I’m so pleased the plants have survived and these may be the only ones we get this year!


Gaia's Hope said...

No it's not seem a bit excessive, don't afraid :)

When we have many of something, some times it's not so important as something we have in small quantities

They look great!

Lisa said...

Looks delicious! My stepmother grows wondeful artichokes in Lorgues.

Jon Storey said...

They will taste all the better when you thing they be the sole crop!

Do you know that I have never eaten globe artichokes, Jerusalem yes, and delicious too. I must try them sometime but preferably fresh from the garden.

michelle said...

Those are gorgeous artichokes, you picked them at the height of perfection. I hope there's a surprise second crop.

Jan said...

They're so pretty! I think one of our plants has something hard and dark in the middle, so I'm hoping it's not a huge blackfly!

Stefaneener said...

They look fantastic. I keep getting small ones. Perhaps it's time to plant a "globe" variety.

impoftheyard said...

These look lovely. I have rarely tasted fresh artichoke as they're not easy to find here but I do love them.