Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Late summer, early harvest / été tardif, récolte précoce

At the market this morning the talk was of autumn and frost in the mountains of the Aveyron. We bought sardines to grill at the garden where the autumnal mood continued. It's strange that summer crops started late, but they're finishing early. It seems to have been a short season.

Sur le marché ce matin on a parlé de l'automne et du gel dans les montagnes de l'Aveyron. Nous avons acheté des sardines pour griller au jardin, où l'ambiance automnale a continué. C'est bizarre que la récolte de l'été a commencé en retard, et maintenant elle va finir en avance. C'était une saison courte.

I picked wild fennel seeds to bring home to dry. We use them a lot, crushed with pork or in sauces for pasta or in risottos.

J'ai ramassé des graines de fenouil sauvage pour les secher chez nous. Nous cuisinons souvent avec elles, pilées avec le porc ou en sauce pour les pâtes ou dans un risotto.

A few of our olives are ripening and I'm worried about this. It's very early, at least a month earlier than last year and the olives have small marks on their skin. I don't think that this is the dreaded olive fly (Dacus olea) ... I hope not.

Quelques olives mûrent et ça m'inquiète. C'est très tôt, au moins un mois plus tôt que l'année dernière et les olives ont des petites taches sur la peau. Je ne pense pas que c'est la mouche de l'olivier (Dacus olea) qu'on redoute ... J'éspère que non.

The vine leaves are turning from green to red, yellow and brown ...

Les feuilles de vignes changent leur couleur de vert en rouge, jaune et brun ....

And everywhere we go we find winegrowers with their trailers full of grapes.
Et partout sur la route on rencontre les viticulteurs avec leurs remorques pleines de raisins.


MaryAthenes said...

Une belle visite automnale,

Anonymous said...

my fennel seeds were not ready yet, maybe next month

look for small holes in your olives, dacus makes holes usually.
What are you doing there for dacus?

chaiselongue said...

citygardener: the olives have small brown marks on the skin rather than holes in them - I'm still not sure what they are. I think some people use chemical sprays on their olive trees against Dacus, but I don't want to do that as we're trying to garden organically. You can get traps which you hang in the trees - I think I'll try that next year.

Anonymous said...

I already hang some traps (for first time) and wait to see the results in my olives because we have dacus every year

but... the last week when I was in plot I see many incects in my traps (bees also)

I try to search about this, some other people hung things with high smell in trees (like naphthalene)